

Sunday, November 1, 2015

October 31, 2015

After a hiatus, I was ready to go back to patrolling.  Halloween has always been my test start for being an Real Life Super Hero, from rookie to today.  This was the first I did in Boston.  It was a shaky start as the train had problems at some stops, so I had to take a shuttle bus.  Fortunately with a cornucopia of costumes (no pun intended) I managed to fit in.  As I got off it was like one huge trick or treat for adults,as I saw costumes all over.  It started with a couple getting into an argument, but I dismissed it as drunk & sober mixture.  As I crossed it was easy to interact.  I kept my focus through-out the work.  I wanted to go to a certain section, but with the pub crawls going on, discretion had to be the better part of valor.  A weird moment came when a guy dressed like a security guard from the Walking Dead, which almost looked like he was already a zombie being drunk approached me to ask questions.  I was cautious.  Fortunately, unlike "The Injury," there was a sober best friend & plenty of witnesses.  I soon saw a homeless guy holding the doors for everyone.  it was late & I had one more granola bar to use.  I decided to give it to hik anyway, since he needed it more than I do.  He was very thankful, but I had to leave soon.  The later it got the more high-risk it was be for lack of focus.  As I head for the train station, I noticed a beggar selling a Wal-Mart give card.  I saw two men in costumes, one in a kilt, have a devious thought.  I stayed & watched.  There was no action so I moved on.  As I was in the station, as the conductor called me sir, I said he deserved the honor more than me because he worked at tat job at night on holiday when he could be asleep, having fun, or be with his family.  He said that someone understood him, & I felt proud of myself.  I won't give the last part due to if it is still ongoing.  But all I can say is when there was suspicious activity, I did report it.  A fantastic patrol!!!