

Thursday, May 14, 2020

May 11, 2020

Upon hearing some news about some recent incidents in the South End, I decided to go to the area, post haste.  I had to go a more direct route towards my destination.  As I walked down West Dedham Street, I headed straight down there past Mass Ave.  I noticed I was passing Northeastern University.  Under better times, a great place to check the area, but the Corona virus, was like an unneeded hangover.  At least there isn't Mike Tyson, the tiger, or Dr. Ken (see the Hangover movie for references.).   But I made it to my destination, Melnea Cass Boulevard.  I never patrolled this area before, but it was a unique challenge.  As I passed the area, there was a sign that said, "#SaveMelneaTrees."  I knew there was stuff grown around there in the past, but nothing more than a garden.  I also remembered a baseball field that was somewhat a much smaller version of Fenway Park.  I could've been wrong.  I found a sidewalk with three paths.  I took a middle path to get a better view.  However as I heard a car parked nearby changed from hip hop music to a cell phone call (it wasn't in motion,) it made me nervous.  I wasn't on the property of private housing, but with the world nowadays, how can you tell.  I saw a beggar walking on crutches begging for money.  But I noticed he didn't need them.  I asked him about it, but he denied.  It was hard to prove the point but I had to mov e on.  However, I had to cut the route short because there was blue lights down the street.  It was the police as a situation was happening.  I managed to change direction, but I managed to make it Dudley Square by accident.  I got to admit hitting that area of Roxbury was a new, exciting first for me.  But this wasn't the time to examine there, since I was very far off my parking space.  I fortunately knew my tracking knowledge knowing that heading to the tallest building was like heading to the North Star, thus heading to Downtown, and the South End.  I made it past Mass Ave, only to turn to the Back Bay.  So on this night I covered, three areas in Boston in one night.  A case I couldn't cover, but a feat that I had that I can still be proud of.