

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Thank you Patriots Cheerleaders

 This is a photo taken at the New England Patriots Cheerleaders Calander Launch Party. This was always my personal Christmas. Not in the sense of gifts, but in the meaning of being round family and friends that Arte true and in a sense of peace and goodwill. Why would people thinksomething like this is necessary for me? Paart is a pay-tir-forward by someone who became a hero at the right moment that you never expect. As I was bullied in high school, I was always considered a freak and even an outcasts to the outcasts. One time, when I was in high school, I was sent to a guidance counselor's office after being bullied constantly. I did cry my eyes out because I was so hurt by the bullying. When the guidance counselor cameo in the lobby of the office, she told me that I was too loud and had to lower my voice. (Very humiliating as you can tell). Now months later, I was on the "intermural" wrestling tea (WWE wrestler This was one practice John Cena I am not. And rapping, I am a weaker form of WCW wrestler PN News). This was one the one practice we had a shorter area. SO the varisity team was practicing, while myself, the junior varsity team, and the seventh and eighth graders were on the side to wait and to behave. I tried to find a quiet area to, but I was bullied constantly. I tried to avoid trouble. However, it was very diffuicult. When I was in the lobby afterwards waiting for my mother to pick me up and go home while she went to work. I cried in the area near the door. The cheerleading team were waiting for their time to practice. The coach came to me. She wasn't upset nor embarrassed. She comforted me during my moment of emotional pain until my mother came./ The next day, I quit the team, afterwards I was home tutored. With as bad as high school was, if it was for that coach in a sport I didn't partake it, concerned my well-being with kindness.

now everybody's knows, I'm a bOston boy, thru and thru. I love the Boston sports teams, Boston Red SoxBostonBruinsBoston Celtics, New England Revolution, Boston CannonsMassachusetts Pirates, and of course, the New England Patriots. Now I had a supportive relations with Patriots Cheerleaders because of a former cheerleader, Alaxa, who is the daughter of football great Doug Flutie. HThe son has autism, something I had. And at the time I was looking I was looking for ideas on serves, since Flutie is one of our great footnball icons and the PPAtriots organization has been known for volunteering. I did get a representative and respectful communicagtion was developed. And I was their supporter after home games, whether win or defeat. This was especially helpful during the time of my mother's passing, since they have remained true throughout the whole process. A small amount of knidness helped me tremendously during that short itime, where there wasn't any. it hjelped on my communication, my confidence, and self-esteem. And thru good and bad, I can confidently say that there no bad athletes or mean ones on that squad, ever. The laic parties are my personal Christmas. Even family and friends show that kindness back, something I am too humbled to earn , as well as their gratitude. And yes, from reading about the sport, I will hoonestly, throbservationa s well, that these ladies and gentlemen, have such strong discipline that can rival the players they root for, and even some police and soldiers. Their training is something I respect, from what I've read and research thru the reality shoiw, Making of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders (and I can honestly say that was WAY better in family and being a role model, than the Karadshians). If was for them, there would be no Basilisk, no #darkknightofdorchester . The point is that a hero doesn't always come in a cape or a mask, on a majestic horse, a badge, a stethoscope, or a robe. It can anybody or anything with a kind heart and a good soul.. And anyone who questions seeing male cheerleaders, I HAVE FIVE WORDS FOR YOU!!!! "Samuel L Jackson. Google it." Nuff' said. Keep Cheering my friends.