

Saturday, April 27, 2019

April 27, 2019

I was thinking of doing South Boston today after my hiatus, but I figured Downtown due to the ease. A s well, I did it earlier that usual due to an engagement & an obligation I have to do tomorrow.  That turned out to be my mistake.  Right off the bat, the clasp on my helmet went off in which I had to manually get back on.  There were police cars all around the area I wanted to cover.  I thought the Bruins were going to play at eight o'clock, but this Boston and this is the playoffs, nuff' said.  So I had to reroute.  I was going to do a patrol at the Common, but there were tents around as well, I would stick out a sore thumb, as well, as getting it chopped off, figuratively speaking. So once again, I had to reroute.  During the walk I helped some homeless with some cereal bars, helped some guys move, held the door for a lady in a kimono pushing a baby, the small things.  But this gave me a chance to covered some uncharted areas.  As I got a photo taken with one of our fine citizens.  I covered the Back Bay after a longer hiatus.  When I got nervous about it, I went to the South End, FOR THE FIRST TIME!  It was nothing spectacular.  There were some places in the South End that reminded me of why I chose to not do the Back Bay, because I felt like a freak.  For example, I noticed some people near me when I walked laughing at me, but I paid no mind.  As well, as I noticed a family not knowing where they were, as I tried to help, they pushed me off as if I was a freak.  I don't want to tell you what happened at Dunkin Donuts as I forgot my gift card I wanted to use (face palm in effect).  But it wasn't all bad, as I helped someone do some parallel parking, in which both he & the car behind him were grateful (try parking Boston & you'll know what I mean).  What really helped were two things at the end.  As I was heading back, a lady with a little girl spotted me.  They were so sweet as I talked to them & the girl gave me the warmest of smiles.  Then two guys getting ready for the Bruins game spotted me.  I explained what I was.  They asked if I could jump over a bench.  I told them by being a superhero I would have to be a role model.  They understood & we gave each other high fives & we yelled, "Go Bruins!"  Those things gives me reasons to do what I do.  I won't settle however for that in a sense that I would rest on laurels.  Like the Patriots on their quest for greatness, I have work that much harder to be at my best so I will prove my worth to the city I love.