

Sunday, August 25, 2019

August 24, 2019

Patrolled in South Boston today.  I would say this was a lot calmed to last night but still as interesting.  I saw a cute little dog without a leash.  Amazingly he was very obedient as he didn't run away from his owner as well as very loving, & seeing the kindness in her face, I can see why.  I will tell you tell you there wasn't much, but I did see the love Boston had for me.  I posed for pictures & it felt good.  But I will tell you an amazing thing is that I covered all of South Boston, which I got to admit was amazing.  But I think I have a new power, helping in parallel parking.  I will tell you one thing that was interesting, as I headed back, three guys came up to me.  One of them pushed the other two away for no reason.  Strange thing, he looked like Rob Schneider.  Possibly news about last night has gone round.