Someone asked me to check something in Newbury Street in the Back Bay. As hard as it is to patrol that area, I still had a duty to help the people of Boston. Finding the usual garage thru the South End wasn't as easy as I thought. My usual route to the garage was possibly blocked due to the blockade4 done for the dining for the restaurants during the COVID situation. I had to find another garage, but I manage to find one immediately. I decided to change my route from walking straight to Massachusetts Avenue towards Back Bay. Even if I could do Methadone Mile, there was a heavy presence from State Police. I have a good relations with Boston Police, however State Police might be a different issue. My plan was going to go to Newbury Street first then Boylsrton Street, more on that later. As I hit Newbury, I managed to see that most of the restaurants had outside dining. As the cold of fall comes thru, I would worry that the servers would need heavier attire to go the outdoor area. Otherwise, COVID would be the least of the worries. I managed to make good responses to some of the people around Newbury Street as well as Boylston Street. I managed to run into a man carrying a plastic bag, POSSIBLY heading home. I explained who I was. He laughed as if said he never saw someone like me before. He felt safe. However, I had to adjust my walk speed slower so not as to startle him. I soon managed to get to the area where I promised. However there was nothing suspicious, but I didn't see anywhere I could get a better look, so I had to pass by.
My walk into Boylston Street went well. But I did see a car managing to get reckless again. Yes, they called Batman, but there is a line you never cross and that is being reckless on the road. I tried to get heir attention. However, they didn't care. Bu t I had to be very commanding by knocking on the window. I had to yell at them to start being more mature. They really didn't car. However as the light turned green and there was another car behind it, I had to let it go. I was very frustrated and very nervous. I could've tried another way, however riskier. But I chose not to. I made a mistake and I was damn frustrated, but I had to move on nevertheless. I soon spotted some people in a park opposite the Boston Public Library. Since there wasn't any cars, I came up to the location. I asked what was going on. They were thrilled to see me. They answered my question and I asked them to be careful. I met some more people and they were very interested in me. I soon left as I saw a car parked on the other side on the way heading out. I thought I could try to help them get out of a parallel parking. As I soon came up I had a damn good reason, it was a BMW. As I approached, for the first time the lady and her friends screamed as if I was Jason Vorhees. I calmed them down and explained who I was. After I apologized, I asked if they need help to get out for he spot. But they were fine. well, that was my facepalming moment. D'Oh!
IU decided to travel down to Fenway-Kenmore for the first time. It wasn't;'t as interesting as I traveled a short distance, with the only thing interesting was seeing three guys in an alley around the area. I called them out and asked them if everything is okay. They were so I told them to be safe and to behave. That was a very interesting patrol.