

Saturday, August 29, 2020

August 28, 2020

 As I started my patrol around Dudley Street, I walked past a side street and some guys started calling me. They  were some people living around the area that reminded me of those who had a party in the area last time I patrolled the areas.  They talked to me a little bt as well as introducing me to someone else.  I soon walked down the area.  As I walked down, I heard some noises around the area and I heard some noises in the area.  I came up, and there were some people who were hanging out.  Nothing bad happened, but there were some conversations.  They were conversing with me. We  both showed concerned as I explained who I am band who I have.  They were very welcome towards me and wished me safe journeys.  I kept my eyes open in the sense like Robocop, following levels of victimology and levels of danger.  As I walked down as I hit the corner of Blue Hill and Dudley, I saw an abandoned car with the lights on and the engine was running.  It was parked in an empty parking lot in a closed commercial building.  Very concerning.  I was going to call the Boston Police-Roxbury Division.  However, I didn't know what the other street name, I tried to look on it.  And I gave up, I saw the park being the Dudley Square Common.  As I was going to use it as a starting point and called the police, the car was gone.  Darn!  As I walked down, I saw a group of three people in front of the car.  I walked across the street.  As I approached them I asked what was the person was holding.  He said it was tobacco.  It's odd since it looked like a giant spoiled form of a rolling fruit roll-up.  I still had suspicion, but I was unaware if it might be a different kind of drug, possibly something of a more.  I couldn't go on suspicion, so I had to walk away.  I will have to look up different drugs in the future so I can learn what to look for the next something like that happens again.  I soon passed some ladies in "seductive" outfits. She was going to offer me five dollars to do something with my cape.  I refused but I told her that she is loved no matter what and to be proud of who you are.  I said it to give hope and to see note what she is on the outside but who she is as a person.  I how she puts that in mind and to feel pride of who she is and see beyond the streets and hope to find a life better where she can be a person, not an object.  As you can see, I care about everyone and see people as people, not on what is on the outside.  As I walked far, I greeted others and started to be more confident being who I am.  I now know I am the city's protector. T he King of Dragons who helps the kingdom, not steals its wealth for thy own spoils.  I am Basilisk!