I tried a couple of new techniques with my uniform. For my feet, I put socks inside my boots & under my feet for some cheap comfort (still needs work). As well, I had one glove that was my padded glove and another that was the glove I come use with handheld devices on either hand. At least they are the same color. I meet a lady that I met since the first time I patrolled since Supermom's passing. She was glad to see me, & asked why I had the cane. I told her it was for protection & anything else would look foolish. She saw my article in Wicked Local & was impressed. What's better, even much more than pronouncing my name right, she's no longer homeless!!! She has a place to live with her family & a job. That was welcome news with a fist bump. As I walked, I noticed a man walking with his T-shirt covering his mouth as I passed a couple. I stopped & looked at the man with a glance. He crossed the street away from the couple. I was able top use diversions to show that I wasn't a threat to slow me down. A funny moment came when walked by a house & the sprinklers went off automatically. I didn't get wet, but that was a laugh. I managed to do a second look when I saw a car with the engine running near a closed business with no lights around. By the time I came back it was gone. Probably a coincidence. As well, as I passed a bar, a big man who looked at me just walked out of my way. It felt l like it was a sign of respect. If I use it as confidence but don't let it go to my head, it'll boost my self-esteem in the long run. I did the longer route again. It felt more at home this time. As I passed an area I heard a long bang. I turned to investigate but saw nothing suspicious, so I moved on. One way I check was the two probable eyewitnesses at a nearby restaurant not flinching. I managed to make a new route back which'll help in the long run.
It was a huge boost to my work tonight. Still need to work out a few kinks, so I don't stand out as just a hood ornament. But otherwise, I am finally earning my name. Next, my title.