

Saturday, March 16, 2019

March 16, 2019

Part one of my two-part St. Patrick's week-end patrol started well.  All throughout I was referred as Batman.  It started at the bars of Haymarket, as some young adults spotted me.  I managed to give some pictures.  This was the norm all throughout the patrol.  For someone not dressed in green, I certainly know how to make the holiday interesting.  It was quite the norm as I had the club hoppers looking at me rather than causing trouble.  I am starting as well to develop a keen eye at spotting what's out of the norm, which is a good thing.  I managed to give some cereal bars as well to some homeless people as well.  I had a break taking advantage of Dunkin's Iced Coffee deal as well as the restroom, in which I for got to zip my fly afterward (awkward!). I covered the Common as well as Chinatown and the Leather District.  My first run-in to duty came in as I started on South Boston.  I spotted a car with the trunk open in the Post Office parking lot.  I was concerned.  Not only for a battery life but the possibility of a disaster.  I called the police.  The windy weather didn't help with communication.  They came later on & took care of the incident, thank God!  As I passed the bars on Broadway, it was very interesting.  One lady even tried to give me her number, but I had a feeling she had a boyfriend with her.  Also a guy yelled "H**y S**t!" as he ran away.  I found out from someone in Southie that the parade tomorrow will take up until evening, which means that tonight will be the only night I will cover South Boston.  But a touching moment came when a boy spotted me, as I talked to him, it gave me new meaning & purpose why I do a job that I love.