Sunday, August 11, 2019
August 10, 2019
I was hope for a couple of laps with my patrol of South Boston. Things started well with a family smiling as the spotted me walking. As I passed a restaurant I heard a lady wishing & laughing that they weren't playing the game corn hole. I saw the sport played on television, & believe me I can understand. I passed a man hanging by a mailbox. He told me not to go to that street because it was dangerous. I looked at that street, & it looked like it was private housing. As what Bee Sting experienced with an arrest years ago, I had no choice but to respect that. Right now, I'm having a good relationship with the Boston Police. I don't want to ruin it by letting my ego take over. As I approached the clubs, people were calling me Batman, which I can tell you at this point that might as well be my second name. I passed a lady who asked about me. I explained & I gave her my card if she ever needs help. As I went in a 7-Eleven getting my drink, there was a man who was complaining that, & please forgive me if I get it wrong, the vaping device he was looking for wasn't available. Even thou I don't vape, I told him don't be afraid to shop around & find areas that might have it. He thanked me & I moved on. I soon saw a police SUV waiting at a stoplight. Likewise, I was nervous. Nevertheless I saluted the officers. From what I see thru the window, they acknowledged. As I passed a bar, I saw a lady waiting outside, then looking back. I asked her if everything was okay. She said yes, she was waiting for her friend to get out of the bathroom. I went down West Third Street, I was covering a large area, best to conserve. As I wen thru the bridge, there was a lady taking a picture. Her boyfriend spotted & asked me questions. One of them was, "How many criminals did you stop?" I told him I didn't care about the statistics that I just do my job. He liked my answer, showing that he thought I acted like a professional. As I passed Lucky's, the bouncer spotted me. We asked each other how things are going, he even asked about my route. He was very interested about me. I gave him my card, telling him if he needs my help, I'm right there. The route was a little different, as I went down another street. This one would be a dead end for cars, but I thought it was worth a look. I could tell you as I went thru the Seaport, there were some people asking for my picture, one of which was a group of young adults. They asked me a lot of questions like what to do for self-defense. They really did like me & appreciate me. I gave a couple of the girls my last two cards, which they showed by their camera phones while I explained like game show models. I think they did very good as so. As I passed another group, a lady said, "I love you. Don't ever change."That brighten my day. As I went up Sleeper Street, there was a guy by a barbecue place spotting me, & asking questions. He said he really appreciated what I do. As I went for my second lap, I spotted a lady having trouble, however she had everything under control. I let her be only for a driver to asked, "Is it comic-con yet?" I said it wasn't I'm just a real life superhero. He was appreciative. I asked if she was alright, & he said she was. We wished each other well. I soon passed a couple. The lady asked me questions about the helmet, while the man came up & hugged me, for a long time. I have to sa, it felt good to have the city of Boston show me such love. I smiled as he said, "It's not everyday you hug a superhero." As I walked there was a couple walking faster. I didn't notice any fear in their non-verbal communication, until they told me as they asked me to escort them. They crossed the street as they reached Burger King. As I passed by, I soon saw an argument near Capo's its what seemed to be a manager & a disgruntled customer. I tried to watch just in case it went out of control. But I was spotted by someone, so I left. I went down East Broadway for the first time. There were people I checked on, most of them very understand. The last one I turned back, was a couple of girls sitting down. Funny thing, they started asking if was.a magician. As they left, I decided to turn back. But I will admit, I did cover a large distance. I di encounter some problems on the last corner. There was a yuppie fixing his shoe. I asked if everything was okay, he said yes. But as checked on a couple who was waiting by a restaurant, he tried to kick me out. Fortunately, the couple was more understanding, much more, than he was. I passed a bus stop, & I noticed a lady in trouble. Her friends said, that that she threw up. I asked if she was going to the hospital. But they said they had everything under control. Remember the thing at Capo's? As I turned out there was a police car there as I returned. As I passed my final club, there were a group acting as if they were ready to be arrested, key word is acting. They asked me about me being a superhero. They complained about my helmet, my cape, my past. They soon said they don't think I was really a superhero. I've dealt with idiots like those in the past, but I will be careful when they will get touchy, even threatening to break fingers if they try to treat me like the Pillsbury Doughboy. Sad thing one of them looks like Owen Wilson. No more Cars trilogy & the Wedding Crashers for me. A good patrol.
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