

Saturday, October 27, 2018

October 26, 2018

It's that time of year, the Halloween patrols.  This is the one day I love as a real life superhero.  Everybody dresses in costumes, so you don't feel odd.  Best of all, this the best time, the only time, you can feel free trying new routes & not worry.  And right off the bat (no pun intended, as you will see) it was fantastic.  As I left the garage, there was a guy wearing a Batman costume.  He spotted me, & loved what I wore.  I thought I'd do him a favor & tell him & his friends to take a picture for his social media of me & him, with me kneeling towards him.  He got a real kick out of it.  I told him & friends what I really was & how Batman was my hero.  They all got a real kick out of it.  That's when you know it was going to be that kind of night.
The funny thing of Halloween, it has its own full moon to it, & this night was no exception.  A man was standing in the middle of the street with on-coming traffic late at night.  This was textbook accident.  Worst part, the man was totally oblivious to what was going on.  I managed to yell at him to get at the corner.  Fortunately my presence got him to go to the sidewalks.
I was trying a different route with two guys actually talking about getting their girls about black being a fashion choice.  All of a sudden, a couple came by spotting me, asking for my picture.  Fortunately a couple girls came up, & helped them with it.  With watching the World Series & seeing a super hero, it was a day they would never forget.  I felt better being in different areas, knowing what would work & what wouldn't.  As I managed to cross past Haymarket.  A couple of ladies spotted me, & I told them I was a real life superhero.  They sighed a breath of relief, & asked if I could fly them.  I'm a real life superhero, not a real life Superman.  I passed by the bars & nightclubs to make sure all was in order.  One bar, some guys & a bouncer hanging out, spotted me & said, "Yes!!!  I knew there was a Batman!"  I explained who I was & what my gear was.  They were impressed.  Their only wish, I had a Batmobile.  What's the Powerball jackpot?  Maybe I should get a "Bas-mobile" (yes, I know it was bad.). I saw some people watching from outside the bars, watching the Red Sox play Game 3 of the World Series.  Odd, but it's one of those days.
Reality soon set in thou.  As I pass I know there are homeless still out in the cold night.  For we should never forget that while we can dress in costumes as ghosts & ghouls, there are those who face a horror, no one should face.  It's also humbling for me as well, knowing for everything I can do, there is little I could to help.  I might in the future have a separate pouch in my utility belt to carry noting but granola bars.  It may not be much, but it is something.
As I passed Downtown Crossing, there was a lady "dressed like a bat."  She looked at me as if I was an old friend.  Got to be the cape.  There was even a young muscular black man, red varsity jacket with a B on it, & a mask covering his mouth, spotted me & said, "Nice cape."  I wondered if should've been nervous.
There was a creepy moment.  As I passed a bar, there was a bouncer who spotted a lady wearing a little black dress.  He said, "Are you sure you can dance in that?" With things like the #MeToo movement going on, I knew that was a form of harassment that was unacceptable.  How to handle it should be looked into for future reference.  He may've said me, but with those outcomes, either would be unacceptable, due to poor timing & an immature attitude.
There were other spotters.  A couple guys past me, saying, "We should be scared of that?"  If you do something stupid, you should be.  A security guard, going home after a long night, spotted me.  Said nice costume.  I told him who I was.  After a brief talk we both wished each other safe.  This was the best Halloween patrol I had ever.  Now it's home watching the Red Sox & the World Series.