

Saturday, January 25, 2020

January 24, 2020

If there was anyway that would describe the patrol in Downtown, it was action-packed.  As I was getting out of the garage, I noticed a man that was waiting by the stairs.  Not knowing what was going on, I did ask if he was okay.  He did smile, not as if it was a smirk, I do remember that one when I got attacked last September, this was more humorful. H e said he was okay.  I explained who I was.  I noticed there was a sign that was taking about flower art.  I complimented his drawing.  He said it was simple, but I told him that simple can be modest and beautiful too.  I gave him one of my cereal bars.  He offered me a powdered donut, but I had to refuse.  White powder on black gloves, not a good look.  I noticed a new night club along my path towards State Street.  As I went to the State Room: A Longwood Venue where I saw two men in suits who spotted me and asked questions.  They were very interested and one told be he knew Brazilian martial arts.  I do see him as a possible sparring star and a future action star.  Going thru the club area by Faneuil Hall, there was a lot of people who showed appreciation.  It shows that I made an impact and the strength to keep doing what I can do.  One person even complemented what I do, especially with the fact I had a nice cape.  The flirts might be good, but I am still a professional and taking advantage of the people I am trying to help is against the code.  I had to redirect my direction, knowing there was activity the usual route.  But it was still effective nonetheless.  There was something of concern thou over at Haymarket.  As I passed, I believe was White Bull Tavern, I noticed a homeless man peeking thru the window watching the club dancing.  I was very nervous as it would cause concern for the other clubbers inside, and put it this way.  I think we were taught not to peek inside a restaurant and peek at the customers as it would be considered rude behavior.  But I was nervous as it would, at best, considered uncomfortable for others in a sense of fear or possible harassment, & at worse, possible sights for targets for possible crimes.  But my goal wasn't to predict that outcome, but more prevent it from happening so no dire consequence would happen.  I tried talking to man asking him to from the window.  he refused.  I knew he was mentally impared (I know it was a tough this to say at this time.  But this was the possible case and I have to say what I say what I see and experience with no bias whatsoever.)  He refused, showing a lot of stubbornness into thinking he deserved to be there.  Even with the impairment, I tried to be as  gentle as possible, knowing a panic might happen if there is any mishap that might possible happen.  He kept telling me to leave him alone.  As  thought I got him out of the way, he moved to another side of the window.  I managed to tell the bounce, but he said he was alright doing no harm.  My breath sighed, hoping so and not anticipating a worse-case scenario.  I know what it is to be like to be judged in situations like this.  But I also understand that I still have to have a behavior that is respectable, since people do get judgmental.  Any action, no matter what can have consequences.  Both good and bad.  I will probably try in the future to learn how to deal situations like these better in order to prevent unwanted fear and/or possible tougher situations in a dignified manner to be better able to handle them in the future.
As I went thru the club area near the West End, I saw a lot of people who remembered me from the past.  You know you made an impression when you show you have a positive impact on people.  There were a couple of men hanging around a 7-Eleven nearby, asking me questions.  I was also concerned about a possible impairment of one of the men.  The other said he was okay, so I gave them cereal bars.  The impaired man came to me, and I calmed him down telling him I'm not the police.  Pictures were pretty common as always, after all, it's not everyday you're seeing a superhero. I managed to go to Dunkin Donuts to get my iced coffee.  I changed my walk rout a little bit.  I saw a man standing by City Hall Plaza.  He said he was okay, but he was very impressed that a superhero came by to check on him.  He asked my name.  Even thou I told him, he wanted to write it down.  I gave him one of my cards to make it easier.  I managed to see a reporter from WCVB-TV Channel 5 outside the area doing a story.  I waited so I wouldn't photobomb the report.  Afterward, I'm hopeful for some good exposure.  Passing by the clubs, it's good to check with the bouncers to see if everything is okay.  I soon went to another area where I thought I saw someone possibly drunk.  I went by and checked.  Thankfully she was alright.  It was also great that I got a hug too.  It was assured as I checked on others to make sure everyone is okay and people knowing how concerned of a hero I am.
The second go around started tough but ended better.  As I passed by Haymarket again, a Boston Police officer spotted me.  Unsure as he was he asked about me?  I explained, and he asked, I believe, if I was "mentally cleared."  I will have to say something right now.  Most of the Boston Police have treated me with nothing but decency and respect.  But to have an officer asked me a question like that is extremely disrespectful.  I'm not trying to be PC about this.  After all, I was made fun of with my disability for a long time, both as a civilian and as a hero.  We all remember in the real life superhero Facebook community of Octavious Fong and the Rolling Eye of Doom & Circus Jaxs keep making disability jokes.  I can deal with that.  As a real life superhero, you do have to have a thick skin.  People will make fun of you, especially dressing strange, it does raise eyebrows.  That isn't the case.  A police officer, no matter if it's Boston, New York, Atlanta, or Dedham; have to hold a higher standard.  Police are role models that people see that they can trust.  Remarks like that not only hurt themselves and the entire community.  If any attitudes like that is seen by anyone else, it hurts the trust of others and breaks the faith that they can be the ones to trust.  To anyone there who is in law enforcement or any kind of profession that helps others; never show bias and never judge.  One bad experience from an officer can affect a citizen in so many hurtful ways.  I try to show no bias, as being a real life superhero taught me to be more tolerant of others, as who am I to judge for the outfit I wear, what I do, or the people I'm friends with.  If I do show that bias, then I am no better a person, and an even worse real life superhero to show that kind of attitude.
I passed by the West End again.  To see the people around the area is so amazing, as I saw a couple hanging around a hotel.  They were very impressed with me & it shows I can help.  I passed by some ladies.  One of them, a birthday girl, and told me a man called her a very nasty name.  I assured her that she is a lady and that no one has a right to insult like that.  We talked a little bit about one another.  We gave each other a hug, a good sign that I'm doing a great job.  I finished by a sidewalk by State Street.  As a lady was waiting by the walk light, and I saw the man waiting as if he was hanging around with a backpack nearby as the lady was talking on the phone.  As both stayed, I stared at both to make sure there was no funny business.  Thankfully, there wasn't.  It wasn't actually fight a criminal, but deterrence from a criminal from performing a criminal act, is actually more of a victory that you realize.  Less trauma on the victim, from preventing a disaster to take place, by simply watching the situation, standing guard, just in case anything goes wrong.  A great patrol!

Saturday, January 18, 2020

January 17, 2020

Before I start, I want to throw something out to Scott Zolak, former quarterback for the New England Patriots & current radio commentator for the New England Patriots on 98.5 the Sports Hub along with Bob Socci.  In a game against the Cleveland Browns, during the first half most the Browns were on the bench.  Now it was cold that day.  But Zolak actually said something that was a very good point.  When you're dealing with history of teams in the midwest, like the Browns, the Bears, and the Packers, there was always not of them playing in cold weather stadiums.  And how rough tough those teams can get, we do remember the classics.  And I will note that some of the coldest games I can remember, some of the opponents are from warm weather areas.  Who cold for get the first Ice Bowl, with Vince Lombardi's Packers and the DALLAS Cowboys.  As well, the Cincinnati Bengals & the SAN DEIGO Chargers (And if you think I forgot about the Bengals, don't worry.  This season they did that to themselves this season.) But MOST IMPORTANTLY, the Patriots, well I would say the OAKLAND Raiders, but hell, any cold weather game the Patriots excel (Yes, I am a die-hard Patriots fan, AND DAMN PROUD OF IT!)  Anyway, it did get me to motivate me, to start patrolling in more cold weather days.  If I am going to back my word that I want to help the city, I can't act like I have to work on days when you have perfect weather all around.  You can always tell when someone truly;y cares during two moments, the good times & the BAD times.
The patrol in Dorchester was pretty well.  Weather was in the teens, but knowing it'll get even below zero late at night, wearing extra shirts is extremely helpful.  I had to wear my balaclava.  I know I would get in trouble for it, but in cold weather common sense has to prevail.  First thing I saw was an MBTA The Ride bus.  No big deal, but where it parked was.  I know the area was like near Pope John II School & Dorchester Park, opposite some homes that are on the other side.  Knowing that that kind of transportation maybe for people who can't take public transportation, especially if the physically and/or mentally disabled, it is of concern.  I went to the bus to sk if everything is okay.  The driver said he was & he was waiting for somebody.  I would ask further, but knowing the way I dressed, I was a little nervous about it.  So I walked on.  Next place something happened was a dumpster by O'Brien's Wines & Liquors.  There was some clanging around it.  I was going to check to make sure it wasn't vandals, muggers, burglars, or robbers.  Thank goodness it wasn't.  It was just some employees making sure to throw out the trash & lock the dumpster up for the night.  The night was getting colder and I did need something warm to drink.  I knew there was a McDonalds by Fields Corner, so I walked there, but I had to hurry because I knew it would close soon.  I was just in time for a medium hot coffee, unfortunately to the dismay of the workers who were ready to close.  But at least they were nice about it.  As I left, there was a young man who looked at his phone.  I checked on him.  He told me, he wanted to go to McDonalds but didn't know I would close that soon, so he was heading to the Fields Corner train station to get home.  I told him to get there soon & stay warm.  I managed to walk farther than I even imagined.  When I patrol Dorchester, I mostly do the southern side, but for the first time, I di the northern side.  It was pretty amazing.  I felt bad it was so cold, not many people.  But it can be a good thing, since no one was getting hurt.  I managed however to cross at Savin Hill Avenue.  Believe me, even I'm not that stupid to keep pushing.  I did see a pickup truck with bags over the the train station there.  Its hazard lights were still on, cause for a little concern.  Fortunately, the station was still open, and there were a couple of people.  I managed to tell one at the lobby.  It turned out it was someone taking care of the trash.  It was odd since it was a U-Haul rental.  Pretty odd for a train station to use a rental, when they can afford probably getting a truck to do that job.  But to be fair, there some places in Boston where it's impossible to park in, especially as a resident.  I then went to Savin Hill Beach/Park.  I noticed there were a couple of cars with their engines on.  I do know that there maybe some deviant activity.  I went to check out.  I asked one of the drivers, who was a lady, if everything's alright.  She says there is.  I didn't keep asking because I noticed a church bulletin or business sheet, so I was thinking it might be church related.  With that, I didn't try to ask the other care.  I did see another car at another parking lot with the engine running again.  But as I was coming up they left immediately.  Well, you know what they say about presence.  But with that I had to follow a path and go all the way around to William T. Morrissey Boulevard.  Which was exciting since it was my first time patrolling that area, but IT WAS COLD!!!!  I managed to pull thru, b ut it was a learning experience.  There wasn't a sidewalk near a certain area, so I had to walk in the parking lot.  I didn't notice a path under the bridge, and I had to be be extremely cautious of the situation.  When you're on that road at night and you're wearing a black uniform, you don't act reckless.  I managed to get to a Dunkin Donuts on Morrissey Boulevard.  I got a hot chocolate.  I had a great conversation with the employees.  One of them, a mother, was very impressed and very concerned with what I do.  I told her that about my past dealing with bullying and she felt that I should talk to students in schools about my experiences with it.  As I do try to get that across, I rarely get people to listen.  Hopefully, with another voice, it'll help.  She did say something about the shirt, and yes I'll take care of it.  Meeting with people is always great to show that you do care and you do have good intentions.  It's always important to show that respect.  Remember, no matter what motivation you have, the main reason you become a superhero IS TO HELP PEOPLE AND THE COMMUNITY.  As I walked down, I noticed a street light by Devine Ice Rink.  It might not be a big deal, but anyone who practices sports like ice hockey, speed skating, or figure skating, that might be a big deal.  I hope the Department of Public Works would look into that fior future safety concerns.  I did come down Neponset Avenue, FOR THE FIRST PATROL TIME.  Walked by Dorset Hall, there was a man & a woman meeting.  I heard something, but it turned out they were waiting for an Uber.   However the woman was yelling at me to move.  Her friend managed to keep her in control.  Yeah, it felt humiliating, but there should be understanding.  It was unknown what happened, probably drunk or having a bad day, and it was late at night.  People maybe in bad moods, but you can't take it personally.  Maturity is very key in developing a proper relationship with the community.  At any situation, it's important to know what is a threat and what isn't.  Professionalism is very important, not just as a real life superhero, but any form of public service.  As I walked thru Adams Street, a paddy wagon stopped to ask me some questions.  I was a little nervous, but in control.  I was a little awkward.  But as I explained to the officers who I was, what I do, and why I do, they had a better understanding.  There was understandable concern, but also a good amount not respect.  I give props to the officers for showing a strong level of professionalism and knowing how to ask the right questions to get to a proper answer.  Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they would make detective someday.  Like I always tell fellow superheroes, when police encounter you, don't talk to them as if you're above out below.  If you talk as if you're better, you'll be seen as unprofessional, reckless, immature, and unable to do your job properly.  Below, it shows that you're uncertain, naive, and very fragile.  You have to show the same level of professionalism, maturity, authority (if necessary), and class that shows you can handle the job.  If you make a mistake, don't be afraid to admit it.  it does show you're human, you can mistake, and most important, it also disproves the theory that you live "in a fantasy world not knowing reality."  I believe the parties left with a little more respect for each other and I do hope one day to talk to the Boston Police Commissioner about ideas on how to make Boston safer.  My last thing did end at East Boston Savings Bank, where I saw two cars with their engines on and people meeting.  Thinking of possible deviant activity, I went up to ask if there was any problem.  Thankfully there was not, and I left.  A very long patrol, but it proved to me I can do the hard job real well.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

January 10, 2020

Having heard of some incidents of motor vehicle larcenies, I decided to check out South Boston to make sure there wouldn't be any future problems.  As I went the usual route, however I went down Dorchester Street.  However that was my mistake as forgotten other.areas north, something to look at for future knowledge.  I walked down the area east of Dorchester Street.  Even earring sunglasses, using a flashlight to look better wouldn't be a smart idea because it would create more of a distraction and a hinderance.  As I walked, I looked at the parked vehicles at around the wheel area.  As I checked other side streets along the way, I had to take a quick peek, since walking down those streets would probably take more time and I had a lot of ground to cover.  As I made it down Columbia Road, I still managed to check on some who did park in an odd situation.  I know it may seem odd, but usually there are motorists who are lost or those who need help, still a very important task to remember.  There was one area that did make it look interesting.  Around possibly the Anne M. Lynch Homes at Old Colony, near the road, there was a vehicle with its engine running.  However, there was no driver in the car.  It looked immediately suspicious, so I checked if anyone was in there. This, especially since there was a woman in sweats that look more fore for warmer weather inside.  Her non-verbal communication looked frightened,. a little more than just someone like me looking non just to make sure she was okay.  I walked away, but it looked too odd that this woman was "just okay."  I was going to call 911 from a better location, but three people, dressed in appropriate winter attire, came out to confront me.  We talked about the situation.  But they told me it was just a woman AND HER BABY just waiting outside and it was me who spooked them out.  I left, but all of a sudden it, just raised more questions.  A woman who looked more cold and frightened, who was in the passenger seat of the car, while three people from aan apartment came out, saying they heard me "tapping on the window," even thou I believe that area you couldn't hear a quiet conversation, noticing the car traffic that comes thru that area.  I will ask you guys, if you have any information, please don't be afraid to call the police.  Pray for this poor woman at this time.
As well, things went well, more people asked for pictures. andI'm starting to get better at my job.  My patrols are getting better, just needs some fine tuning.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

January 3, 2020

For my comeback, I was doing Downtown Boston. There was heavy police presence.  Normally, I'd be a bit nervous.  But this time, I was more confident.  This could work in my favor since I just got back from injury.  I immediately made a positive impact.  There was a renewed sense of confidence.  As I was crossing down to Faneuil Hall's club section, there was a family going back towards it. They were amazed to see me.  I responded well, making sure they were alright.  There were many who wanted my picture, but forgot their cameras.  We were all friendly nonetheless.  However, the First Lady seemed a little drunk.  The bouncer said that her and possibly her party weren't allowed in because of that.  I asked him to make sure she gets a ride home.  I had more confidence in myself, a little more of a swagger, but not too much too make me conceited.  Some friends did check up on me, and it felt appreciated.  I will tell you some ladies were impressed when I checked on them.  I remained professional, but I will tell you it's weird. Also, there were a couple of guys who interviewed me on their social media platforms.  It was helpful and we all had a newfound respect for each other.   As I went thru, there were occasions where I imparted wisdom and helped in certain situations.  There was a homeless lady who was asking for some change.  However, there was a 7-Eleven nearby.  So I asked if she wanted anything.  She wanted a Coca-Cola.  Managed to get.  It wasn't much, but it helped.  I did have a run-in with the police.  They were concerned, rightfully so.  I explained everything, &gave my ID as told.  But I will tell you.  It's very nice when you see police officers be very professional, very understanding, & very mature.  I give these guys a ton of credit.  They are true models in that sense, as well as true leaders.  As I was crossing Federal Street.  There was yelling and a guy yelling on then ground.  As soon as I came up, he started to panic.  I tried calming down, trying to help him regain his senses.  He seemed nervous and in a panicked state, aggression would not be key because it would make it worse.  I had to calm him down so he wouldn't do something stupid.  However, he was more panicky.  He all-of-a-sudden, started run and dart bout.  I noticed a vehicle coming and warned him, then he ran quickly.  Since he was going farther, I had to call 911.  This wouldn't be a situation that could be handled easily.  More food for thought.  Second lap, however, was a little tougher.  There were some people who wanted to invite me over.  Fortunately, I still had the whereitall to remain mature about it, especially with the bouncers outside.  As I passed Haymarket club scene, there were some nice people and then there were a couple of morons who said I wasn't a real superhero.  And with the kind of questions they were asking, I've seen worse.  There was a lady by Haymarket station, she was a little daze.  She was dancing and was trying to reach her friends.  I had to be a post as she took her boots as she was dancing all night.  I was even trying to help her get to her location.  She was able to find it, so I left it there.  As I crossed to the Twenty-two, I noticed a little group activity.  Everybody was "weird."  However, the sad part, was awhen an off-duty police cadet tried to pick a fight with me, saying I'm not a superhero.  Even so, he was trying to grab my baton.  I immediately went to self defense, knowing he could do more damage.  He still started a fight.  But in the end, he pushed me and ran off.  Some cadets aren't meant for the badge.  A couple of homeless people came by, and asked me to help them with some coffee.  I did get it for them.  But as outside, there people very nervous about missing a ride.  There was close to a fight between the parties.  I did separate them and walked with the homeless.  I told to be understanding of others as you would want to be understood.  They responded well.  As I crossed Haymarket Square, there was a Good Samaritan who was looking over a woman who was unconscious.  He tried calling 911 three times with no effect.  So, I knew there was a police station nearby.  So I ran there and told a couple of people there there was a lady down.  The response was immediate.  Give credit to that guy.  As I did assist, he deserves to be considered a hero.  This was a good comeback.