The patrol was very long, but a tst I was willing to prove. As I walked I heard some loud music. Of course knowing parties, that is the norm. But music and noises, those aren't the problem. It's the people that might be drunk and would do things they would regret later. As I would pass by, I would take a look from a distance. Usually when you see no one outside, it sometimes maybe a good sign. Now even thou I can't go into a residence, since that would be trespassing, sometimes people outside could probably be me reckless and do some very dangerous and/or violent actions. Thankfully, those things didn't happen. As I walked, I made sure of things that are out of the norm. One things was at a Dunkin Donuts parking lot. Normally, no big deal, It's a small area, more so inside. But questions can easily be raised for those hanging around. To go there with immediate and/or rash suspicion would immediately do more harm than good. So I walked by and asked if everything is alright. Thankfully it is. Unfortunately thou, even thou I appreciate the fanfare, the immaturity of being fascinated with what's on my belt (no sick jokes) would do more harm. The tools a superhero keeps on the belt is very vital and very important. It's never meant to be seen as toys. Today, some young adults, whop should no better, still might not figure it out. However one the other side, I saw a lady waiting by the 7-Eleven for a ride. I checked if she was okay. She said she was and was waiting for an Uber. However she was very grateful for my concern. I did pass some officers along the way. But as the firefighters had to go for an emergency, I had to be traffic cop and made sure they got out easily. Being a hero, whether cape or not, always ha to know that doing the job is but a matter of seconds. A couple of officers came by and saw. They were very appeciative of what I do. One of them even posed with me in a picture. Before they had to go to a call. I asked one day if I would come by and ask if there is anything they want me to do on my end. They were very honored, as was I. I did hear some yelling for a parking lot outside. I usually try to calm the crowd down because the alternative maybe a whole worse for them, as well as everybody. Some of the people were grateful as I came to check. However, one person yelled, "Black Lives Matter." At least I came before there would really be a worry and lives would be altered in a negative way. As I passed a door around the Fields Corner area, I heard what possibly might be a rave party in the area (please note I might not fully know what that might means. Yes, I am that lame.). I kept notes of it for future knowledge. It felt at times that I was going all over the place as emergency came around, be ready to jump if ready. I did however go to the Expressway gas station to get a drink. I ordered a Arizona Arnold Palmer (it's Iced Tea plus lemonade). It wasn't that, but I was grateful. I was planning to go all the way to Washington Street, near Codman Square. I didn't know it was this long. But as I went, I heard a noise, around a side street opposite the gas station. Thankfully, it was a gated community, just a lot of new, recently built homes that look nice. However as I saw at the corner, there was a possible gated community. As I had to remind myself, I couldn't go in, so I walked on. I walked down Columbia Road for what seemed to be a while. However, as IO passed a Santander Bank, I noticed some people hanging around in the parking lot while they were closed. I came up to them ,asking for an explanation. I will say they were pretty disrespectful. But I also noticed people coming out of a building. But I didn't know if it was a residence. If it was then its just might be a party. So I tried ask if it was so. However, a lot of the party goers walked away, ignoring me. I even tried walking in front of them, demanding answers, no dice. It wasn't until someone told me it was a residence, that I walked my way. This was something that I had to stand as a authority, but people looked at me as an idiot. I wouldn't say it mattered what I wore, but I need to show some more confidence and authority. Now, they did nothing wrong, but from experience I learned a residence near a business, if going on and being more reckless can really do major, unwelcome consequences in the future. Understanding that can go a long way to preventing problems. As I walked I noticed a car, with the engine running with two boys inside. Knowing there were two girls I walked by earlier. I stood a distance away from the car to make sure that they wouldn't do anything stupid. Thankfully they didn't, but I still checked to see if there wasn't any funny business. So I came by and asked some questions. I noticed they had an extra large homemade cigarette. There was a brown substance on it. I asked if it was tobacco. They said it was. Knowing tobacco isn't illegal, since some smokers make their own cigarettes to save money, I moved on. I however realized that the paper they used to make the giant cigarette was something with the RMV setting on it. It might have been a possible violation to be reported. I can't arrest them, I'm not there to look at motor vehicle violations. But however, so they wouldn't be charged if an officer did come them. I would rather warn them to go home and work on fixing the violation so no future problems would happen. I did manage to walk down Washington Street, which was pretty active, even at this late at night. I was originally planning to go ups to Ashmont Street for a full patrol of the area. But when I went down Bowdoin St, I figure it would be a change of plans and save the other one for another time. I heard so glass clanging as I went down a residential area. I narrowed down to an area. Since I couldn't go inside, I went around to a side street to get a different look. As it tuned out hit ws from the side street as it was a housewarmings with people having a party. All was well. I managed to make it back to Geneva Avenue. But soon I saw police out around the area. I will note that I wouldn't interfere with their work, they are doing there job. However, as I slowly walked by, I only acted an if I was sitting on the bench, being ready if anything goes out of hand. However the police were handling it well, so I walked by. Kudos to the Dorchester Divison or Boston Police, true professionals and true role models. I passed by the shopping area in Fields Corner. All the businesses were closed, e xcept a check cashing place. However there were a group fo cars there with people hanging out. I did come by to check. One of them really admired to see me. I told them, that this situation they were in. may look suspicious and I do know they have security there to take care of any trespassers in the area at that time of night. They did leave and thanked me for helping make sure they wouldn't get into future trouble. Lastly, I went by a man who was fixing a shoe over around the parking lot of closed 7-Eleven. It soon turned into a great intellectual conversation.. We developed a l.ot of metal respect. He did tell me however that not everybody would like me. Preaching to the choir my friend. We did on mutual terms, and I gave him a card to know what I am, and if he or someone else needs help to call me. An amazing patrol that lasted until the wee morning.
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Saturday, August 29, 2020
August 28, 2020
As I started my patrol around Dudley Street, I walked past a side street and some guys started calling me. They were some people living around the area that reminded me of those who had a party in the area last time I patrolled the areas. They talked to me a little bt as well as introducing me to someone else. I soon walked down the area. As I walked down, I heard some noises around the area and I heard some noises in the area. I came up, and there were some people who were hanging out. Nothing bad happened, but there were some conversations. They were conversing with me. We both showed concerned as I explained who I am band who I have. They were very welcome towards me and wished me safe journeys. I kept my eyes open in the sense like Robocop, following levels of victimology and levels of danger. As I walked down as I hit the corner of Blue Hill and Dudley, I saw an abandoned car with the lights on and the engine was running. It was parked in an empty parking lot in a closed commercial building. Very concerning. I was going to call the Boston Police-Roxbury Division. However, I didn't know what the other street name, I tried to look on it. And I gave up, I saw the park being the Dudley Square Common. As I was going to use it as a starting point and called the police, the car was gone. Darn! As I walked down, I saw a group of three people in front of the car. I walked across the street. As I approached them I asked what was the person was holding. He said it was tobacco. It's odd since it looked like a giant spoiled form of a rolling fruit roll-up. I still had suspicion, but I was unaware if it might be a different kind of drug, possibly something of a more. I couldn't go on suspicion, so I had to walk away. I will have to look up different drugs in the future so I can learn what to look for the next something like that happens again. I soon passed some ladies in "seductive" outfits. She was going to offer me five dollars to do something with my cape. I refused but I told her that she is loved no matter what and to be proud of who you are. I said it to give hope and to see note what she is on the outside but who she is as a person. I how she puts that in mind and to feel pride of who she is and see beyond the streets and hope to find a life better where she can be a person, not an object. As you can see, I care about everyone and see people as people, not on what is on the outside. As I walked far, I greeted others and started to be more confident being who I am. I now know I am the city's protector. T he King of Dragons who helps the kingdom, not steals its wealth for thy own spoils. I am Basilisk!
Friday, August 28, 2020
August 22, 2020
As I was going into Mattapan,. I noticed some music and chatter. There was a party way down in another street. I wasn't going to party crash, but if you know how some parties go, the possibility of drunks, immaturity, and rowdiness; I just took a peek from a distance to make sure nothing goes too crazy. I walked up Blue Hill Avenue. there was a lot of gathering going on across the area. But there was some concern. Not saying that there was problems, I just had to make sure nothing went wrong. Did I start throwing blame or accusations? No. Sometimes the best tool for a superhero is asking questions and listening. Thankfully, there were no problems. Also, the people were really great towards me, which is a huge blessing. I managed to go for a long distance all the way to Roxbury. A huge boost to how far I can go. It made a huge boost. As I came back, I went to the Mobil station, I noticed an argument, I came by to diffuse it. However, instantly the argument stopped and became admiration of me. The only one who was speculative was the old man. A very understanding situation, myself with a questionably outfit coming to someone who is close. There was another person in another car who greeted me. I came by and said hello. Also, I noticed a car running late at the night in a parking lot of a closed convenience store. I came by to check, since it fell on probable cause. However the person was texting, and didn't want to talk. I did leave to not cause more trouble. Something I have to work on in the future. I managed to pass a snack stand where there people in line as well as security,. All greeted me well, but told me that the stand was cash only. A pretty good, but quiet patrol.
Friday, August 21, 2020
August 1, 2020
On day two of the patrols and day one of August 2020, I did a patrol in South Boston. It was a little more cooler than yesterday, but the mask is making mouth feel like it's in a sauna. There was more outdoor dining, but there was less of anything to record. But I can say things went well.
Saturday, August 1, 2020
July 31, 2020
t take the usual way due rot the fact, the dining area was blocking the way. I still managed to get a good distance. There were times I felt a little nervous. I soon saw a homeless man sitting in an alley. I talked to him. Then I gave hi9m one of the cereal bars from my last patro9l. I felt so pathetic that the bar was in poor shape, I should've known better to make sure to keep the bars fresh. But it didn't matter. He was very happy that I helped. It didn't start perfectly, but it started GOOD. I noticed a lady consoling a friend that was crying. I checked to see if she was alright. Even thou she had it under control, she was grateful that I was there to check. As I was crossing the street where the Downtown section of Boston Police headquarters was, as I was waiting for the walk signal to go on, I noticed a man on a cell phone walking up towards the street. Not knowing if it was police or not, I stayed to see if he will cross the street or if he will turn. It turned out it wasn't police, but I still watched. He managed hpowever to take a turn, so I breat6hed a sigh of relief. I was more active towards Tremont as I noticed a lady yelling. She was surprised a car was close to hitting her. I asked if she was okay, but she was understandably shodden up. I explained that cars and pedestrians are more reckless that ever when it comes to road safety. So I told her to be more aware and careful. She soon thanked me and left. I helped another car Parnell park safely as well as saving a man who didn't see it. He did thank me for being a hero and the driver thanked me for helping him. I soon saw a lady who asked about me. She felt proud of what I did and gave me a hug. A good patrol on a hot late July night.