

Saturday, July 6, 2019

July 5, 2019

Things started quiet as I left the garage.  As I crossed the club section of Faniuel Hall, the bouncers wished me luck on my war on crime (their words, not mine).  A couple came across me.  They loved the fact I was here and asked questions.  Then they took a selfie and a picture of me and asked where I am on social media.  Since the heat was worrying me, I managed to go to Dunkin Donuts to grab an iced coffee (yes, it was that hot).  As I was traveling down the West End, I saw a man sitting.  I asked if he was alright.  He was fine, he was waiting for his wife to get the car.  But he thanked me for being concerned.  I replied, "That's what I'm here for."  I checked on people hanging around to see if they were okay.  I passed by a young man, who was waiting on the outside of a bar.  We talked for some time.  He was even offering me some weed, which is legal in Massachusetts, but I refused because I'm on the clock.  Anyway, he asked for a selfie, I was more than happy to ablige with that.  I checked on an old man waiting on a bench in Government Center MBTA station.  He was alright, but asked who I was.  I explained, & he was thrilled shouting to the heavens.  I managed to pass by some kids.  They were very interested in, thinking I was a crimefighter.  I even managed to by them a double cheeseburger and a couple of waters.  As I made my second lap, a makeshift band was "arguing."  I asked if everything was alright.  They said it was.  One of the band members even showed me Batman tattoos on his knees.  Impressive!  As I made the walk, I saw a couple & for the first time, I was mistaken for Spider-Man.  She took some pictures.  When I saw her again, I said, "We meet again."  She said, "Hell yeah."  I think she was flirting with me.  One of the sad stories came was when I saw a homeless lady who was developmentally disabled.  When I told her my name, she immediately knew it was a snake.  I told her it was actually a dragon like Harry Potter, but she was right on.  I felt sad I didn't have anything to give, since I was out of cereal bars.  But what she asked for a blanket until the people from Pine Street in came.  I honestly felt bad for her.  A man popped up & asked what was going on, I told him we were talking.  It's sad when there time not problems can be solved by superheroes.
As I was heading back, a lady came by asking if I was a superheroes.  She watched a video on our movement & was really impressed by the job I'm doing.  She said thank you.  For the ten years I've done, for all the insults, staples, lost friends, hurt reputations, sacrifice, & hard work; getting the love & working to earn it makes it all worth it.  This was the most active patrol I ever felt, & boy did my heart race three beats.

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