Tuesday, September 24, 2019
I had to go to the store to get some milk & cheese. Had to use a ride share because I can'rt drive. After getting my groceries, I noticed my phone was dying. I hoped it had enough charge for me to go home. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Doesn't matter, I could walk this, I had before. But I had milk & bruised ribs, & I also had to go to places as well, so I don't know how much I had to hold up. Obviously, I had to go to some people I know for help. God, I was scared. The first place close by didn't have people I knew. I had to move on. Walking was a little easier. There was a bus route, but it was rarer at this time, & it doesn't go all the way to my apartment, which was darker & a l;ttle riskier knowing the position I was in. I walked I was developing a lot more drive, giving myself a lot more push. As I went o the second place, there was a car that I noticed almost ran over me & went to its parking space. As I saw the guy got out, I yelled, "Did you know you almost ran me over?" He ignored me. This time, I didn't care. I walked right up to him & sqaid, "You know you almost killed someone? I am not here out of anger, I am here out of respect. I do not want you to end up in jail. Be more careful." The man acknowledged & as I left, one of the men who saw me said, "Wow! That man is drunk!" Drunk? I am, drunk with drive! As I went to the second place, there were few people who know me. They saw my pain. But when I explained & asked for help, they either refused & were afraid to get in trouble. I left. I wasn't mad, just disappointed. As I walked, especially in the dark part, my ribs were so hurt I was screaming in pain. At some points, I was even crying. But I pushed. I showed more drive, more power than I ever thought. I finally managed to make it home. I threw away the milk. After all it was $1.99. I never took pain-killers, even at the time of the injury & the asking of the doctors. But for the first time I did. IF you think I was done, HELL NO!!! I DO NOT QUIT! I WILL GET BACK, BETTER THAN EVER! And as Patriots head coach Bill Belichick said years ago after a hard loss to Kansas City, "Onto Cincinnati." We know the ending to that story.
Sunday, September 22, 2019
September 20, 2019
I was patrolling Mattapan. I will get to the last part. I saw a man standing by the corner of Blue Hill/Fessende. He looked like George Foreman during his prime but bigger. He wore a grey T-shirt with Wile E. Coyote on a rocket with the phrase "Super Genius" on it, a cowboy hat, & a joint in his mouth. I asked if everything was okay. H e didn't reply. Normally I'd left it be, but he was aware, looked at me straight in the eye, & smiled. I asked again, nothing. I was very concerned. I tried to warn him in his position he would be seen ask attacking someone or risk being attacked. I triy bringing up 911, but he wanted it. And then I realized, a white calling a suspicious black mab, aka Black Lives Matter situation. So I stopped & asked one more time. Then he dared a fight. I had to use some mind games. But then a a boy open a window in a white SUV/mini-van. He yelled, "Don't hurt that man!@". As I told the kid to back off, I was blindsided. He yelled, "DO HURT MY SON!" repeatedly as got hit with blow after blow. His punched were like hammocks. I couldn't get s any offense or defense going. I saw punch after punch after punch feeling powerless. I soon feel. He yelled, "GET UP! GET UP!" I tried, then two kidney shots came to me. Ye yelled, "GET UP! GET UP!" I knew if I did that I would be dead, so I stayed down. He soon left, & a Good Samaritan came. I told him to call 911, for an ambulance not police. They came. I had to have stitches to the back of the ear, a lip glued, & bruised ribs. With them saying a CAT-Scan, I was lucky to wear the helmet. But I'm going to be out for a WHILE.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
September 14, 2019
As I noticed from when I left, there were a few raindrops. I thought the forecast said it would be cloudy, so I thought I would take a chance & patrol South Boston. As it turned out the rain was getting worst. At this point I didn't care. I promised a patrol & a patrol I will do. As I exited I heard some young men. I thought there was an argument. As it turned out, it was a conversation. They did appreciate my help. However, as I turned on West Third Street, when I thought there was concern over a situation, a lady just walked away. Well, you can't win them all. As I passed a baus stop when I saw a lady seemingly looking ill. As I checked, it was just some people looking drunk. They asked for a picture, & the lady looked alright. I heard someone was yelling something about "twenty dollars." Thinking it was a robbery, I ran to investigate. As it turned out, it was some people horsing around. They were appreciative & asked me to check out the bus stop not so far away. They did say they appreciated my work. I check the bus stop. Once again some horsing around, but respect. I had ton cover the Waterfront. Because since it was the first patrol I EVER had in the rain, I had to start small. I will tell you, the bouncers over at Lucky's gave me a huge a amount of respect. I passed a man on the steps. I thought he was homeless. Even thou he told me to go away, I had to make sure he was okay & he was. As I managed to get to The Committee bar, a couple of bouncers noticed me & gave me huge respect. They told me of someone who was give a bad time there; a white man with brown hair, & green plaid shirt. I told them I would be on the lookout & gave them a couple of my business cards. It gave me a little more momentum to look around. I was around the Waterfront a little more, around the Barking Crab & the walk around the Children's Museum. I also told the bouncers of Lucky's & another place on
Melcher Street. I even checked around the edge of South Station. I would've done more. However, A it was too far, B most of the people around that area would've been in the same fashion, & unfortunately C at this point I felt like I playing telephone with the situation, which meant I didn't know if I was being as accurate as I wanted which would hurt the situation more. At this point a better patrol. I did my first in the rain, which shows I can be weather capable. I need to learn to ask better questions, but I showed that I had what it takes to be a better detective than I would give myself credit for. And at this point people are taking me seriously, so I might take some liberties with expanding myself to give more emphasis on my work.
Melcher Street. I even checked around the edge of South Station. I would've done more. However, A it was too far, B most of the people around that area would've been in the same fashion, & unfortunately C at this point I felt like I playing telephone with the situation, which meant I didn't know if I was being as accurate as I wanted which would hurt the situation more. At this point a better patrol. I did my first in the rain, which shows I can be weather capable. I need to learn to ask better questions, but I showed that I had what it takes to be a better detective than I would give myself credit for. And at this point people are taking me seriously, so I might take some liberties with expanding myself to give more emphasis on my work.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
September 13, 2019
This was the first time I did Roxbury, so I was excited & nervous. First I helped some children cross the street. It like I was the Adam West Batman doing a PSA about crossing the street. I heard some noises on the other side. I crossed the street to check it out. It was a group of adult having fun. They had some fun with me, them I left. There was some people I passed who were very impressed. As I walked down I felt an equal love towards thru the people of Boston. I ran into a man sitting by the steps. He needed help because even thou he wanted my paycheck, due to the pay schedule, he had to wait. But really needed it, especially since he's building a better life. I gave him five dollars plus a promise to help him find a place away from Boston he can afford. I soon crossed down Seaver. I was going to go down further but there was a noise. I ran by. The lady said everything was alright, just her boy singing. He soon came out. We talked, he even showed me what he does on the skateboard. It was amazing. I soon met a mother & some kids. It was another great part of the patrol. We talked & the kids were real impressed. I told everyone of what I dealt with the bullying that happened to me & how it made me who I am. I hear she might get some Boston schools, start talking about bullying. A huge honor. As I crossed the other side, I saw three guys talked, as I stepped in & checked. Upon approach, one of them was very nervous. I noticed his speech was off & his hands were fidgeting. I soon found out it was about a joint. Since marijuana is legal in Massachusetts, I decided to walk off on good terms & respect. One crazy situation came when I saw an argument. I waited for it clear so I can moderate. But as soon as they spotted me, they started yelling at me. I tried to explain, the two of kept talking & was ready ready to attack. But I stood tall & was ready for a fight. But they decided to back off & go inside.
M second stop was Dorchester. It wasn't much. I came across a man waiting in his car & a parking lot of a shopping plaza. His radio was blaring & the ignition was on. I was asking if he was waiting for someone, since the parking there is for customers only. He yelling at first that I was a brother & thanked me for my work as he left. Odd. A couple of time I was help with traffic; One, when I saw a man about to cross & a car was about to do a left turn. I told someone to wait. The car stopped & the man crossed. The man thanked me. You're welcome, I guess? Also a pickup was doing a three-point turn just to make things worst for everyone on there road for others on the street. I yelled, "Stop!" but he kept going & sped off. I managed to let a police car drive thru by going behind. Don't want the police's work to be delayed. Two patrols in one day. Wow!
M second stop was Dorchester. It wasn't much. I came across a man waiting in his car & a parking lot of a shopping plaza. His radio was blaring & the ignition was on. I was asking if he was waiting for someone, since the parking there is for customers only. He yelling at first that I was a brother & thanked me for my work as he left. Odd. A couple of time I was help with traffic; One, when I saw a man about to cross & a car was about to do a left turn. I told someone to wait. The car stopped & the man crossed. The man thanked me. You're welcome, I guess? Also a pickup was doing a three-point turn just to make things worst for everyone on there road for others on the street. I yelled, "Stop!" but he kept going & sped off. I managed to let a police car drive thru by going behind. Don't want the police's work to be delayed. Two patrols in one day. Wow!
Sunday, September 1, 2019
August 31, 2019
My patrol in Dorchester start as I saw a candle by Dorchester Park. I asked who was there. It was a young man smoking. I asked him if everything was all right. He said yes & thanked me. I tried helping the ambulance get out of the parking lot at Carney, but some cars go too quick to car. EMS still thanked me thou. I soon saw a guy by Dunkin Donuts opposite Ashmont Station standing in an odd spot. I walked to check, but he was waiting for somebody who he met, so I left. I soon met a man who remembered me last. I found out I was popular on social media. Soon I was encountered by an officer. We talked, he was rather respectable & nice. He asked about my methods, why I do what I do. I promised I'd be at the station soon. I soon saw a homeless man lying. CallI asked some questions. Soon he wasn't answering. I told him some of the consequences. He didn't care. I did tell him I was going to call 911. Once again, he didn't care. I did, & as I told the officer, he looked at me as a freak while the other guy went to right to the fence & smiled. Fortunately he was told he trespassing because the park closes at 9, but it didn't I felt like a joke. I kept going. Soon there was a man who drove his scooter onto a sidewalk, a very dangerous thing to do, to pick up Chinese Food. I told him that it wasn't very smart & to wear a helmet. Once again, I got treated as joke. Soon my tone of voice got firm as I demanded that he would give me his word that he'd be more careful. He threatened if I didn't leave he would, in context, "off me." I stood my ground. He soon changed his mind, saying he didn't wAnt to be charged with assaulting a disabled person, even calling me the r-word. I still stood tall, demanding just his word. Instead, he went to his cell phone, & I had to leave. If it was 911, it his word against mind, & even with two eyewitnesses, I don't think it would matter. I feel like a joke.
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