

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


I had to go to the store to get some milk & cheese. Had  to use a ride share because I can'rt drive.  After getting my groceries, I noticed my phone was dying. I  hoped it had enough charge for me to go home.  Unfortunately, I was wrong.  Doesn't matter, I could walk this, I had before.  But I had milk & bruised ribs, & I also had to go to places as well, so I don't know how much I had to hold up.  Obviously, I had to go to some people I know for help.  God, I was scared.  The first place close by didn't have people I knew.  I had to move on.  Walking was a little easier.  There was a bus route, but it was rarer at this time, & it doesn't go all the way to my apartment, which was darker & a l;ttle riskier knowing the position I was in.  I walked I was developing a lot more drive, giving myself a lot more push.  As I went o the second place, there was a car that I noticed almost ran over me & went to its parking space. As I saw the guy got out, I yelled, "Did you know you almost ran me over?"  He ignored me.  This time, I didn't care.  I walked right up to him & sqaid, "You know you almost killed someone?  I am not here out of anger, I am here out of respect.  I do not want you to end up in jail.  Be more careful."  The man acknowledged & as I left, one of the men who saw me said, "Wow!  That man is drunk!"  Drunk?  I am, drunk with drive!  As I went to the second place, there were few people who know me.  They saw my pain.  But when I explained & asked for help, they either refused & were afraid to get in trouble.  I left.  I wasn't mad, just disappointed.  As I walked, especially in the dark part, my ribs were so hurt I was screaming in pain.  At some points, I was even crying.  But I pushed.  I showed more drive, more power than I ever thought.  I finally managed to make it home.   I threw away the milk.  After all it was $1.99.  I never took pain-killers, even at the time of the injury & the asking of the doctors.  But for the first time I did.  IF you think I was done, HELL NO!!!  I DO NOT QUIT!  I WILL GET BACK, BETTER THAN EVER!  And as Patriots head coach Bill Belichick said years ago after a hard loss to Kansas City, "Onto Cincinnati."  We know the ending to that story.

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