Having heard of some incidents of motor vehicle larcenies, I decided to check out South Boston to make sure there wouldn't be any future problems. As I went the usual route, however I went down Dorchester Street. However that was my mistake as forgotten other.areas north, something to look at for future knowledge. I walked down the area east of Dorchester Street. Even earring sunglasses, using a flashlight to look better wouldn't be a smart idea because it would create more of a distraction and a hinderance. As I walked, I looked at the parked vehicles at around the wheel area. As I checked other side streets along the way, I had to take a quick peek, since walking down those streets would probably take more time and I had a lot of ground to cover. As I made it down Columbia Road, I still managed to check on some who did park in an odd situation. I know it may seem odd, but usually there are motorists who are lost or those who need help, still a very important task to remember. There was one area that did make it look interesting. Around possibly the Anne M. Lynch Homes at Old Colony, near the road, there was a vehicle with its engine running. However, there was no driver in the car. It looked immediately suspicious, so I checked if anyone was in there. This, especially since there was a woman in sweats that look more fore for warmer weather inside. Her non-verbal communication looked frightened,. a little more than just someone like me looking non just to make sure she was okay. I walked away, but it looked too odd that this woman was "just okay." I was going to call 911 from a better location, but three people, dressed in appropriate winter attire, came out to confront me. We talked about the situation. But they told me it was just a woman AND HER BABY just waiting outside and it was me who spooked them out. I left, but all of a sudden it, just raised more questions. A woman who looked more cold and frightened, who was in the passenger seat of the car, while three people from aan apartment came out, saying they heard me "tapping on the window," even thou I believe that area you couldn't hear a quiet conversation, noticing the car traffic that comes thru that area. I will ask you guys, if you have any information, please don't be afraid to call the police. Pray for this poor woman at this time.
As well, things went well, more people asked for pictures. andI'm starting to get better at my job. My patrols are getting better, just needs some fine tuning.
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