

Saturday, January 4, 2020

January 3, 2020

For my comeback, I was doing Downtown Boston. There was heavy police presence.  Normally, I'd be a bit nervous.  But this time, I was more confident.  This could work in my favor since I just got back from injury.  I immediately made a positive impact.  There was a renewed sense of confidence.  As I was crossing down to Faneuil Hall's club section, there was a family going back towards it. They were amazed to see me.  I responded well, making sure they were alright.  There were many who wanted my picture, but forgot their cameras.  We were all friendly nonetheless.  However, the First Lady seemed a little drunk.  The bouncer said that her and possibly her party weren't allowed in because of that.  I asked him to make sure she gets a ride home.  I had more confidence in myself, a little more of a swagger, but not too much too make me conceited.  Some friends did check up on me, and it felt appreciated.  I will tell you some ladies were impressed when I checked on them.  I remained professional, but I will tell you it's weird. Also, there were a couple of guys who interviewed me on their social media platforms.  It was helpful and we all had a newfound respect for each other.   As I went thru, there were occasions where I imparted wisdom and helped in certain situations.  There was a homeless lady who was asking for some change.  However, there was a 7-Eleven nearby.  So I asked if she wanted anything.  She wanted a Coca-Cola.  Managed to get.  It wasn't much, but it helped.  I did have a run-in with the police.  They were concerned, rightfully so.  I explained everything, &gave my ID as told.  But I will tell you.  It's very nice when you see police officers be very professional, very understanding, & very mature.  I give these guys a ton of credit.  They are true models in that sense, as well as true leaders.  As I was crossing Federal Street.  There was yelling and a guy yelling on then ground.  As soon as I came up, he started to panic.  I tried calming down, trying to help him regain his senses.  He seemed nervous and in a panicked state, aggression would not be key because it would make it worse.  I had to calm him down so he wouldn't do something stupid.  However, he was more panicky.  He all-of-a-sudden, started run and dart bout.  I noticed a vehicle coming and warned him, then he ran quickly.  Since he was going farther, I had to call 911.  This wouldn't be a situation that could be handled easily.  More food for thought.  Second lap, however, was a little tougher.  There were some people who wanted to invite me over.  Fortunately, I still had the whereitall to remain mature about it, especially with the bouncers outside.  As I passed Haymarket club scene, there were some nice people and then there were a couple of morons who said I wasn't a real superhero.  And with the kind of questions they were asking, I've seen worse.  There was a lady by Haymarket station, she was a little daze.  She was dancing and was trying to reach her friends.  I had to be a post as she took her boots as she was dancing all night.  I was even trying to help her get to her location.  She was able to find it, so I left it there.  As I crossed to the Twenty-two, I noticed a little group activity.  Everybody was "weird."  However, the sad part, was awhen an off-duty police cadet tried to pick a fight with me, saying I'm not a superhero.  Even so, he was trying to grab my baton.  I immediately went to self defense, knowing he could do more damage.  He still started a fight.  But in the end, he pushed me and ran off.  Some cadets aren't meant for the badge.  A couple of homeless people came by, and asked me to help them with some coffee.  I did get it for them.  But as outside, there people very nervous about missing a ride.  There was close to a fight between the parties.  I did separate them and walked with the homeless.  I told to be understanding of others as you would want to be understood.  They responded well.  As I crossed Haymarket Square, there was a Good Samaritan who was looking over a woman who was unconscious.  He tried calling 911 three times with no effect.  So, I knew there was a police station nearby.  So I ran there and told a couple of people there there was a lady down.  The response was immediate.  Give credit to that guy.  As I did assist, he deserves to be considered a hero.  This was a good comeback.