

Saturday, August 10, 2019

August 9, 2019

I started on Mattapan tonight.  As I passed by a dive bar, I heard some yelling.  As I slowly walked, I came to check it out.  The security guard spotted me & asked about me.  I told him.  I saw a lady with a big man behind her, hugging her neck, saying, "Thank you for your service." I was originally concerned but since security was pretty casual, I walked by.  I began becoming a little more bold as I saw a car parked near some closed businesses.  I came up & checked it out.  Fortunately there was no problems.  I heard some conversations.  One of the people spotted me, & I talked with the whole group.  They were pretty welcome & glad that I was doing my job.  I walked down a side street, then I heard some noise.  I walked closely, there was party music.  As I was back, the a little child yelling hello at me.  I waved back, feeling good that my work is doing a lot of good.  It felt like more of a connection was getting better as I was talking with some of the residents along the way.  I even went past an area where some remembered me.  He asked me for money for a beff patty.  I was nervous, but after I researched the area where he was, I might feel more inclined to do so in the future.  As well, I tried a new area, by Edgewater.  This felt close to Hyde Park, WHICH I DID FOR THE FIRST TIME.  Nothing but residential, but pretty silent.  But as I passed a car carrier, I heard a noise. I shined my flashlight in the area, & called it out.  There was nothing.  As I walked back, I saw three people there.  All looked either possibly stoned & drunk.  I asked some questions.  They were apprehensive but they seemed alright.  I passed by a man in an orange shirt, asked me, "Capeman!  How are doing?"  I said I was fine, but I hope he wasn't thinking I was Inspector Gadget's sidekick.  As I walked back I saw an old friend, who asked me for another card.  He told me he was going for a job interview.  Please pray that this great person gets that job & he will be successful & treated with respect there.

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